Are Doc Martens Boots Made Of Real leather?

If you are looking for a straightforward answer…you might not get it here. Not because we’re being coy or crafty but because the answer to the question is - yes and no. Doc Martens are so popular because they offer a staggering level of choice, that includes styles from boots like the classic Doc Martens 1460 to the equally iconic Doc Martens 1461 “oxford-eque” shoe. Recently the brand has also expanded into outdoor sandals and fashion-forward chunky slides.

This choice also includes the type of materials Doc Martens are offered in.


Doc Martens Boots and Made of Real Leather and Vegan Leather Too!

Doc Martens Boots and Made of Real Leather and Vegan Leather Too 

Almost all of the Doc Martens on are offered either in real leather or the company's innovative vegan leather. Visually the two materials are practically identical, the vegan leather is slightly more supple than the real leather Doc Martens though.


Benefits of Doc Martens Made of Real Leather

Although vegan leather is a great material, it is a bit more supple. The trade-off is that it might not be resilient as real leather. Real leather Doc Martens last for generations - I bet you if you rummage around in your mum’s, dad’s or auntie's closet, you might be able to rustle up a well-loved pair of Docs. Another benefit of Doc Martens that are made of real leather is that they can be reconditioned and shined until the end of time.

Real leather Doc Martens are also more breathable than their vegan counterparts. If you intend on wearing them for extended periods of time or during seasons when the weather warms up, then real leather might be a better choice.

No matter what type of Doc Martens you choose, has an extensive selection, with both vegan and real leather options and numerous styles!